28th February 2025
- Headteacher’s Message
- Safeguarding and Participation Team
- Curriculum
- Medical
- Therapy Team
- Ocean
- Harbour
- Oyster
- Starfish
- Dolphin
- Octopus
- Shells
- Penguins
- Sea Lions
- Sea Turtles
- Puffin
- Lobsters
- Seahorses
- Magna Seals
- Manta
- Orca
- Post 16
- Art
- Music
- Forest School
- PE
- Winchelsea Wellness
- Mental Health Webinar
- Online Safety
Headteacher’s Message
I hope you had an enjoyable half term break.
We have had a very successful half term since returning in January. The pupils were studying the theme of ‘Wonderful Weather’ and this allowed us to take advantage of some unsettled weather and look at how we respond to different types of conditions! Once again, the pupils have been out and about in the community, and they have been looking at how we dress and behave differently when the weather changes!
This half term, we will be looking at the theme of ‘Amazing Animals’. This will allow the pupils to participate in a number of visits to see animals in different settings and we will also be welcoming a number of animal visitors in school! Hopefully, we will also start to see the weather warming up so the pupils can spend more time in the community. In addition, our Lobsters Class are now running their “Light Bites Café,” we hope to start inviting parents in to see all their hard work very soon.
We will shortly send out details of our Progress Evening, we are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible to celebrate what the pupils have achieved so far this year.
As ever, I am grateful for your continued support and contribution to the work of the school. It makes a difference when we have so many of our parents working closely with us. I hope to have some updates about our site and our provision in the coming months and will keep you updated when I have more details.
Geoff Cherrill
Safeguarding and Participation Team
Vapes - A warning and a plea for information
Dorset Police and local schools are becoming increasingly aware of a rise in children being in possession of vapes and vape products, such as vape liquids.
The legal age to supply or use a vape in the UK is 18, yet some retailers have failed to uphold this rule and are putting our children at risk.
Additionally, there have been reported incidents of children becoming unwell after using vape products. With a rise in counterfeit vapes and illicit vapes containing banned substances such as THC (the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis) or other dangerous synthetic substances, we all need to be aware of the risk of harm these pose to children and work together to remove them from the streets.
In order for Police and Trading Standards to take positive action and keep our children safe, we need you to tell us where children might be sourcing vapes and vape products, and who may be supplying them. This may be a particular shop, individual, or other illegitimate vendor. You can provide this information either by contacting Dorset Police, Trading Standards or anonymously via Crimestoppers.
Should your child become unwell after using a vape, please seek urgent medical attention. Although such cases are rare, adverse reactions seen in recent incidents include dizziness, heart palpitations and even falling unconscious.
Protecting children from domestic abuse
Domestic abuse can be any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour or violence. It's experienced by those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality
Incidents experienced by those under 16 would be called child abuse.
Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to:
- coercive control such as being told where to go and what to wear or being isolated from friends and family
- physical abuse such as being punched, kicked, cut, or being hit with an object
- emotional abuse such as being constantly undermined, sworn at, intimidated, ridiculed, harassed, or threatened with harm or death
- sexual abuse and rape including within a relationship or being made to have sex with other people
- stalking and harassment such as being repeatedly followed or spied on, being regularly given unwanted gifts or receiving unwanted communication
- economic and financial abuse such as having access to money controlled or withheld or being prevented from earning money
- technology-facilitated abuse such as having messages and emails monitored or deleted, constantly being sent messages or calls, or being tracked via device location.
For more information, support and help please see the links below.
Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger. For non-emergencies, you can call the police on 101.
County lines and Child Criminal Exploitation
County lines is a form of criminal exploitation. It is when criminals befriend children, either online of offline, and then manipulate them into drug dealing. The 'lines' refer to mobile phones that are used to control a young person who is delivering drugs, often to towns outside their home county.
The children have dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’ for taking orders for drugs; children are used as they are less likely to be stopped by police, allowing adult dealers to avoid the risk of arrest.
County lines is a form of criminal exploitation; this occurs where a person or a group of people takes advantage of their contact with and influence over a young person to coerce or manipulate them into carrying out a criminal act. Children as young as 6 are known to have been targeted by gangs for this purpose.
Young people may be recruited for county lines and other forms of criminal exploitation by a process of grooming: At the targeting stage, the exploiter befriends the young person and gains their trust. Young people may also be recruited through social media and/or through their peer group.
Some parents of young people who have been exploited through county lines involvement have reported that they went through a sudden change in behaviour. Possible indicators of involvement include:
- Displaying aggressive/violent behaviours;
- Often going missing from home or school and being found away from their normal area;
- Unexplained money, clothes, designer wear, jewellery, gadgets or mobile phones;
- Having multiple mobile phones;
- Getting lots of phone calls or texts;
- Use and/or possession of drugs and/or alcohol;
- Possession of hotel key cards/keys;
- Committing theft/shoplifting;
- Relationships with older people;
- Unexplained injuries;
- Carrying weapons;
- Abandoning friends and their social circle;
- School performance getting worse;
- Self-harm;
- Changes in well-being;
- Significant emotional changes (like becoming angry or sad), or becoming fearful, withdrawn or isolated;
- Using different language/terminology;
- New peer groups and/or relationships with unknown associates.
For more information about County Lines and Criminal Exploitation please follow the links below.
Worried about knife crime?
Most young people don’t want to carry or use a knife. But some may carry a weapon because they’re afraid of others carrying one. Knife crime can also be a direct result of drug dealing and gang turf wars.
You may be worried if you’ve seen stories about young people and knives in the news. There is support available if you need it, and some things you can do to help your child.
For more information about knife crime please follow the links below.
The Family Information Directory
The Family Information Directory provides details on childcare, local activities and a range of services for you and your family.
Included on the Family Information Directory is information on a range of financial organisations which can help and support your family's financial well-being and provide additional sources of funding to improve home life.
Best wishes,
Adam, Jo, Nicki, Abi and Kelly
Last half term we engaged in learning through the theme ‘Wonderful Weather’ and the weather really helped with this!
The Enquirers learnt about weather systems and thinking about the effect of climate change and extreme weathers. This also extended to thinking about how we can help others who may have been affected by extreme weather.
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to work with an external company and experience STEM learning through making and coding devices to move. The crossover of skills to Maths, Technology and Communication was great to watch. Pupils were a credit to themselves and the school as they actively engaged in a variety of challenging tasks.
Pupils in the Discoverers and Explorers classes used the theme to think about being prepared for the weather. Pupils took part in walks and trips experiencing a variety of weather, some groups have experienced four seasons in one walk and coped admirably with it!
Some classes had the wonderful opportunity of working with external musicians through ‘SoundStorm’ the local Music Education Agency. This involved creating music, performing to others and enjoying experimenting with a variety of equipment to experience sound and music. We are very grateful to SoundStorm.
We continue to encourage opportunities to develop key vocabulary, read, explore texts, listen to and enjoy books and stories in a variety of ways through our reading slot at the end of the day. Please continue to engage with your child reading at home and we would love you to share your experiences with us.
Hannah Parry
Curriculum Lead
Sleep Clinic… Coming Soon!
We will be running a workshop for Parents/Carers of children that are experiencing sleep problems at home and are in need of help and support. The clinic will be run by Michelle, the School Medical Coordinator and a qualified Sleep Practitioner.
The sleep clinic will provide the following information and support:
- Causes of sleep issues
- Impact of sleep deprivation
- Sleep advice and resources
- Strategies including sleep programmes
- Bedroom Environments
- Nightmares, night terrors and sleep walking
- Melatonin… and more!
Please keep checking Schoolzine for the dates.
If in the meantime you require a Sleep Resource pack, please email: [email protected]
HPV Vaccinations - Wednesday 5TH March 2025
The HPV vaccine helps protect people from being infected by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
This virus increases the risk of developing some cancers later in life, such as:
- cervical cancer
- some mouth and throat cancers
- some cancers of the anus and genital areas
The HPV vaccine protects against 9 of the types of HPV which can cause cancer and genital warts for most people with just one dose.
The HPV vaccine does not protect against other sexually transmitted infections.
Further details and information will follow shortly on Schoolzine.
Illness with High Temperatures
If your child has an illness e.g., cough, cold, it is fine to send them into school. If, however, your child has symptoms of a high temperature above 38 degrees and requires Calpol, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol to regulate it your child should not be sent into school.
Your child should only return to school when they are completely clear of requiring medication (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) and are no longer having temperature symptoms.
In recent weeks, we have had a number of cases of Chickenpox within school. Please find below a reminder of what to look out for:
Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children, but you can get this at any age. You may see any of the following symptoms:
Stage 1 - small spots appear, the spots can:

- Be anywhere on the body, including the mouth and around the genitals, which can be painful.
- Spread or stay in a small area
- Be red, pink, darker or the same colour as surrounding skin, depending on your skin tone
- Be harder to see on brown and black skin
Stage 2 - the spots become blisters
The spots fill with fluid and become blisters. The blisters are very itchy and may burst.

Stage 3 - the blisters become scabs
The spots form a scab. Some scabs are flaky and some leak fluid.
Other Symptoms - Before or after the rash appears, you might also get:
- A high temperature
- Aches and pains, and generally feeling unwell
- Loss of appetite
Staying off school or work.
You’ll need to stay away from school, nursery or work until all the spots have formed a scab. This is usually 5 days after the spots appeared.
If you believe your child may have Chickenpox, please follow the NHS advice using the link below and inform the Medical Team if the case in confirmed.
Medical Email
Please use our medical email address [email protected] if you would like to discuss the following:
- Request referrals;
- School Paediatrician
- OT Service
- Continence Team
- Sleep Clinic
- Community Dietician
- Dental Service
- Hearing Support Service.
General enquiry box - to be used for any other medical related issue other than listed above.
We aim to respond to all email enquiries the same day.
Prescribed Medications
If your child requires medications during school time for a medical condition you must complete an M2 form, this is available in reception or on the school website to download.
Paracetamol - please be advised that we have a Medication Policy in place that states we can only administer prescribed medications which includes Paracetamol.
As always if the medical team can offer any support or advice, please contact us.
Best Wishes
Michelle and Sue
Therapy Team
Horse Riding
Last half term another group of pupils enjoyed attending Horse riding sessions at the Fortune Centre in the New Forest. The group worked to improve and develop skills such as balance, core strength, communication, remembering and following instructions.
All pupils who attended challenged themselves to try something new, with a noticeable increase in confidence and skills week on week.
All who attended were polite and fantastically behaved.
A well done to all!

We cannot believe we are now halfway through the school year! Time seems to be going very fast.
Last half term we explored all the different kinds of weather that we experience. A particular favourite was ‘rain’! We engaged with a lot of water; pouring, filling and emptying, colouring the water, and exploring how it got everything wet. A highlight was our muddy puddle walks through the forest, as well as jumping and splashing in the very big puddles in the play park.
We are amazed at how well the children have engaged with our whole group activities; some of our cooking/food exploration and craft sessions have demonstrated how far the children have progressed. An activity enjoyed by all of them was when we explored potatoes with knives, forks and bowls.
Another highlight is that we have begun to have a joint celebration with Harbour class. Both classes access one room together where we sing some well-known songs. This is a huge achievement for our children.
Forest School activities and Community Visits have been wonderful. The children have freely explored the field, trees, bushes, hills, fallen trees, puddles and the hammock, it is clear that strength, stamina and engagement are progressing.
This half term we will continue to focus on key skills such as communication, cooperating, sharing, life skills and developing independence through the topic of ‘Amazing Animals’. As Explorers we will be thinking about farmyard animals.
As we move into the second half of the year, we continue to appreciate the communication between us and the support you give. Thank you!
The Ocean Class Team

What a wonderful half term we had in Harbour Class! It was fantastic to see the children fully engage with our new topic, ‘Wonderful Weather,’ and we had lots of fun exploring all the different aspects of weather through creative, sensory, and physical activities. We started the term with a snowy surprise, which made our ‘Wonderful Weather’ topic feel especially fitting.
In motor skills, we explored the concepts of ‘on’ and ‘off’ through activities like threading beads, dressing dolls, and icing biscuits. Cooking was a highlight, and the children loved tasting their creations! The children also made and explored the ingredients for meringue and whipped cream snowmen with marshmallows. They also practiced mixing and stirring ingredients to make cupcakes. The children enjoyed making fruit smoothies as well and practiced using utensils to cut and chop bananas.
During ICT, we used light boards to create weather-inspired patterns. For PE, we went on trips to the park, where the children built their confidence navigating uneven terrain. Our PE lessons also included outdoor play with scooters and basketballs as well as plenty of active play in the hall with climbing equipment, scooter boards and hula hoops. In Art, the children made colourful umbrella crafts and beautiful sun collages using yellow and orange tissue paper. We also created snowmen using cupcake cases and bubble wrap printing. In music, we explored different sounds of rain through musical instruments and making twinkle sounds. During our Forest School sessions, the children enjoyed outdoor play, including running free, playing in the hammock, and practicing fire drill procedures.
It’s been a wonderful start to the year, filled with learning, creativity, and lots of smiles. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to our new topic ‘Amazing Animals’!

This term began with another sensory event at Old Town. We explored elements of the weather in a variety of ways in the classroom. We were very lucky with the timing of our weather theme as we were able to go out in different weathers during our My World sessions and community visits. A large focus in our morning routines was to look outside and see what the weather was, record it and pick what we would need for play.
We saw a wide range of weather which changed from morning to afternoon. The best times we had were going out to Poole Quay to the observation point in the wind, splashing in puddles both natural and manufactured and attempting to draw round shadows (which disappeared) and ended up as a draw round each other in chalk activity.
Alongside our weather theme we were treated to another music specialist joining Miss Lauren, called Mike. He was able to add to our music experience with different unique sound generation and music resources. The children really took to him and the activities, we had some amazing results.
Weather managed to also feature in our instructional artwork, making specific pictures with 3 step instructions through visuals and modelling. These will all be coming home to you if they haven’t already.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can at the Art gallery (version 2!) in the coming weeks.
Team Oyster

Starfish had a great half term!
Our topic was 'Wonderful Weather' and we thought about all the different types that we experience. The weather was extremely varied so that definitely helped us with the theme!
The children explored different weather through a multi-sensory approach; physically experiencing the weather, looking at different stories around different weather patterns, creating some beautiful weather art and looking at the different clothes that we should wear depending on what the weather is. This linked nicely into our fine motor skills lessons where we learned to do and undo zips, put on wellies, gloves and hats with increasing independence. It also gave us opportunities to work on our tolerance of wearing items of clothing that we do not always like to wear.
As the children have established routine and expectations of the class, we have continued to work on transitioning, road safety awareness and following key instructions. The children went out on many community walks, experiencing the world around them as well as learning these vital skills.
The children have continued to make the most of our broad and varied curriculum, accessing a range of outdoor spaces across the week such as Forest Schools, outdoor learning time, and our regulation time in the hall. There was a big focus on regulation and learning to regulate inside as the weather does not always allow us to go outside. The children really enjoyed learning new ways and places to regulate and this has really supported their learning in class.
Finally, we have been continuing, as always to push communication, working on labelling emotions, working on requesting what they want to play with or where they want to go, as well as key skills like asking for the toilet and asking for a break or help.
Well done Starfish!

As the new year began and Dolphin Class returned to school in the cold winter weather, it felt like the perfect time to explore our theme ‘Wonderful Weather.’ We managed to experience every kind of weather during our community visits this term, and a few extra we didn’t expect (hail!) But even the wild weather couldn’t dampen our Dolphins’ spirits, with pupils super excited to see storms, splash through puddles and extend their learning practically, outside the classroom.
In the classroom, we focused on embedding key skills by consistently overlearning important information and routines. For example, we regularly repeated steps to identify the day’s weather (whether it was looking out the window or using met office apps on mobile phones) then pupils utilised that information to choose the appropriate clothing and equipment for the day.
In My Communication, we spent a lot of time talking about the weather (because that’s what we do in the UK) using Let’s Chat Boards, switches and answering increasingly complex questions to build our comprehension skills. Our book last half term was ‘Meet the Weather’ by Caryl Hart, which we used to develop our understanding of; the weather, characters, and story structure, with some fantastic results. For example, our learners started by exploring sensory trays and linking these to symbols and sounds of the weather on switches. Pupils then built-up their skills across the term, until they were using moving pictures to retell the story and even presenting it to the class in our daily reading time.
In our Problem-Solving sessions, we expanded on our prior learning of calendars and the months of the year and linked them to the four seasons. This in turn connected to our focus on practical life skills and keeping pupils safe by giving them the independence to identify which clothing they would need for each weather.
In our My World lessons we explored what constitutes a public or private place and what might be expected or unexpected in those locations. This helped pupils to understand what actions are appropriate in public places. These are crucial safeguarding measures that we hope will help our young people with developing the skills to keep themselves safe in the future.
In ICT, we created our own weather forecasts. Pupils particularly enjoyed taking turns to record each other while presenting the specific weather for that day. We also learnt how to look up the weather on different devices such as websites on iPads, apps on phones, and weather reports on the TV.
We’ve seen some fantastic language skills in our social interaction sessions in Lego therapy. In which pupils have utilised their number, shape and colour knowledge to work as part of a team in building some increasingly complex constructions.
Dolphin Class have also unleashed their inner creativity, not only in Art but in STEAM lessons too. Together we’ve recreated a range of weather-related objects from windmills to snow globes, and hot air balloons to kites. We have a very creative group who really enjoy expressing themselves.
Last half term was a real adventure and we can’t wait to see where in the world our new theme ‘Amazing Animals’ will take us next.
Thank you for all your ongoing support. The Dolphin Team

Last half term, Octopus Class explored the theme of ‘Wonderful Weather’. We learnt about the different types of weather we experience in our local area and linked this to important life skills. Through hands-on activities and experiments, we investigated what happens in our environment when it is sunny, rains, snows, windy or stormy. Our lessons also focused on keeping safe in various weather conditions, choosing appropriate clothing, and understanding how weather systems are helpful in our daily lives.
In class, we worked on practical skills such as washing hands and washing up, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness and safety. Pupils also practiced recognizing hot and cold taps, building awareness of safe practices around water. These activities not only tie into our weather theme but also support independence and confidence in managing personal care tasks.
Our community visits were a highlight, where we enjoyed exploring the local area while focusing on weather-related observations. Pupils used chat boards to label weather indicators such as clouds, puddles, and frost. We also looked for clothing linked to the weather, like coats, hats, and umbrellas. Listening activities included identifying sounds like wind rustling, rain dripping, and birds chirping. When the weather allowed, we engaged in interactive tasks like crunching leaves, jumping in puddles, and touching cold tree bark, fostering sensory exploration and communication.
Looking ahead, our theme is ‘Amazing Animals’. We are excited to dive into this topic, exploring different creatures, their habitats, and how they interact with the world around them. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another exciting half term!

What a wonderful start to 2025 Shells class have had. We have been hard at work with activities related to our topic, ‘Wonderful Weather’. The children had lots of fun exploring and learning about all the different types of weather, thinking about the clothing we need and activities we might do in different weather, and have experienced the full range of weather England has to offer at this time of year (providing great opportunities to apply the things we have learnt!)
Some members of the class were very busy creating a weather book, where they drew pictures and wrote sentences about the things they like to do in different weather. These were all put together into a book, and they are so proud of the end result! We also explored sensory stories for each of the different weather types, and enjoyed practical activities related to these, such as exploring with torches and making shadow puppets, problem solving how to melt ice, the things we can do to get warm after being cold, and exploring with wind related items such as fans and kites to see how they work.
We were also very lucky to have a visit by SoundStorm every other week, where they hosted music workshops in class. In each workshop the children had the opportunity to learn a new song (‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’) and work together to help create a new verse for the song. This culminated in a performance in the hall with a live band, the children were amazing and had the best time!
Our focus on community visits was around exploring different outdoor environments in order to experience first-hand different types of weather. We went to Sandbanks beach, Baiter Park and Upton Country Park, where the children were amazing at identifying what clothing they need based on the weather that day and getting themselves ready for our trips. A particular favourite activity was seeing the effect the wind has on any water, and exploring with throwing pebbles into the sea!
We are so proud of the progress all the children are continuing to make, and how hard they have been working across the curriculum. We look forward to more exciting activities in our topic ‘Amazing Animals’ in the coming weeks.
Many thanks,
Shells Team

Last half term, Penguin Class thoroughly enjoyed learning all about ‘Wonderful Weather.’ Our engaging class texts also inspired lots of writing and beautiful art work. The pupils loved meeting the characters Cyril the Lonely Cloud and the Little Raindrop. We were also fascinated by Google Earth, looking at our school and other familiar local landmarks.
Each day, we completed a weather chart. We noticed that the temperature never rose above 10 degrees, and the days were mostly cloudy, so we are really looking forward to some sunny weather soon! We used the data we collected to create pictograms in our Maths lessons.
Our Music lessons were absolutely AMAZING with our special visitor - Mike. He is a Music expert and brought along so many exciting instruments for us to explore. We had so much fun embracing our inner pop stars!
One of our favourite experiences was making a snow storm in a jar in STEAM. We carefully poured baby oil, glitter and white paint into jam jars. Then we added Alka-Seltzer tablets which created an exciting, bubbling snow storm!
Our new theme for this half term is ‘Amazing Animals,’ which will be a fascinating topic for all of the pupils to engage with. We will focus our learning on a variety of different animals, their habitats and what makes them so amazing.
Thank you for your continued support!
The Penguin Class Team

Sea Lions
Another half term has flown by in the blink of an eye! The children continued to work hard, demonstrating incredible resilience, particularly in sport. We focused heavily on physical activities, including table cricket, swimming, and intra-sport competitions with the Canford Heath pupils. The children showed great enthusiasm and excellent listening skills throughout these sessions, which allowed their abilities to improve steadily.
The Sea Lions class, our little fishes, have made tremendous progress in swimming as well. Many of them have overcome their fear of the water and are gaining confidence, eager to take on new challenges, it's truly amazing! I'm so proud of each and every one of them.
In addition, we had weekly visits from a group of pupils from Canford Heath, who came to read alongside our students. They paired up on Monday afternoons and took turns reading and talking to each other. This initiative has been a huge success, benefiting not just their reading fluency but also their conversational skills! It's been a joy to witness, and we’re so grateful for the pupils joining us from Canford Heath.
In Art, the children explored the artist Angela Harding. They experimented with various media, learning how to combine them to create artwork. They considered the effects of different materials, such as pencils, oils, and crayons, and merged them together to produce some fantastic pieces!
Thank you for your continued support.
The Sea Lions team

Sea Turtles
What a lovely start to this year we have had! Our theme was ‘Wonderful Weather’. We explored different types of weather and seasons that we experience. Sea Turtles explored weather forecasts and learned about how weather can vary in different countries.
In English, we read a book called ‘Wild Weather’ by Emily Bone. We learned about extreme weather such as hurricanes and blizzards. In order for us to help recall information, Sea Turtles learned how to make helpful listening notes. We then used our notes to write non-fiction sentences. We worked with a group of year 4s from Canford Heath Junior School to develop our reading. They visited us on Mondays, and we spent time sharing our favourite stories and books.
We are very proud of how well pupils have engaged in PE. We have learned the rules of table cricket in some of our sessions. Sea Turtles have enjoyed working as a team. Both Sea Turtles and Sea Lions took part in an intra-sport competition with pupils from CHJS. We worked in mixed teams in a variety of different sports. Well done to the Winchelsea pupils who were part of the winning team!
In Maths, Sea Turtles started last half term by looking at number ordering and patterns, and exploring different 3 and 4 digit numbers. Some Sea Turtles have also looked at odd and even numbers, before moving to working on addition. Other pupils used resources to find number bonds to 20, with some extending themselves to work on using column addition. We also explored measure and weight and how this applies to other areas of learning. We used a lot of our maths skills in cooking to help measure out ingredients for different bakes. We made mini-cheesecake cupcakes, pizza wheels, cheese straws and rocky road! Well done Sea Turtles for following instructions and using scales to weigh out different ingredients!
In RE we learned about the Muslim faith. We explored key places and objects such as the Quran, Mosques and Prayer mats. We also explored what celebrations are important to Muslims and how these might be different to our celebrations.
In Art, we had an excellent time working on printing skills and exploring the work of Angela Harding. We looked at how we could create our own prints based on our ‘Wonderful Weather’ theme with some amazing results!
We had an excellent (and muddy!) time at Forest School. It was an excellent opportunity for pupils to develop their confidence, imagination and resilience. We were particularly impressed when pupils created their own mud slide.
This half term, our theme is ‘Amazing Animals’. The class team will be in touch about possible trips...
Kind regards,
Miss Nancy, Miss Sarah, Miss Sana

We had a terrific time in Puffin last half-term, enjoying learning linked to our topic, ‘Wonderful Weather’.
In English, the pupils read the book ‘Meet the Weather’ by Caryl Hart. The pupils learnt about rhyming words and poetry. The pupils then wrote their own brilliant poems about a type of weather! The pupils learnt about the features of a fact file, then planned and wrote their own fact file on a type of weather!
In Maths, the pupils continued with developing their number, geometry and statistical skills. The pupils learnt about positive and negative numbers, using a thermometer to test a range of temperatures. The pupils have also created a line graph to show the weather in Bournemouth. In addition, the pupils have been learning about capacity and volume and have practically measured the capacity and volume of a range of containers.
As part of our wider curriculum, the pupils have been engaging in different activities which include learning about the Five Pillars of Islam, and coping with a range of problems. In our My World lessons, the pupils learnt about how different weathers are formed and caused, how and why the seasons change and the climates around the world. In STEAM, the pupils conducted a range of experiments linked to weather; making snow, making a thunderstorm using food colouring to show how thunderstorms are formed, and an ice and salt experiment which simulated how environments can change in hot and cold climates.
Puffins Class have had fantastic experiences over the last half-term, including a Robotics Workshop and going to the Café run by Lobsters Class! During the Robotics Workshop, the pupils experienced building a robot and used a programming app to program the robots to move around a circuit. At the Café, the pupils have used money and vouchers to buy a range of healthy light bites!
We are excited to immerse ourselves in our new topic, ‘Amazing Animals’ this half term.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Puffin Class Team

Lobsters had an extremely productive term and are now close to completing their accreditation units for; Everyday Food and Drink, Using Money, and Drugs and Alcohol Awareness. Pupils also really enjoyed reviewing our menu, running taster sessions for other classes and changing the job roles for our Café -'Lobsters Light Bites'
During English lessons we focused on the text ‘Hello Lighthouse’. We worked closely with Miss Tash to create some beautiful artwork, which inspired our creative writing and descriptive sentences. Pupils particularly enjoyed redesigning the rooms within our own version of a lighthouse and used our new class mobile phones to search for synonyms (not to be mistaken for cinnamon!) to upgrade our descriptive vocabulary.
In Maths we continued to make great progress with our Using Money unit and pupils’ hard work ‘paid’ off in the latter parts of last half term as they joined in with our car boot sale roleplay. Here pupils applied their preferred mathematical strategies brilliantly and were especially pleased at buying our imaginary iPhones for £16 and earbuds for £15 (if only!) Tommy and William did particularly well when learning how to use column addition, before checking their answers using a calculator.
Lobsters class have been highly engaged in our new accreditation unit on Drug and Alcohol Awareness. We considered which drinks were soft or alcoholic. Everyone was very mature and inquisitive when learning about the effects of alcohol and excessive alcohol use. This was a real eye-opener for many pupils, as most already knew about the short-term effects of drinking, but were surprised to explore the long-term effects that more excessive drinking can have on our bodies.
As part of our ICT, Lobsters were fortunate to be involved with a Lego Robotics workshop. Pupils showed great focus throughout to; follow detailed instructions, assemble Lego around their ‘Smart Hub’ computer, used iPads to manage a range of digital messages on their robots and programme various routes for their robots to travel. Finley and Lucas engaged especially well and fully embraced this creative opportunity, which allowed pupils to show off and apply their ICT and problem-solving skills. Bradley also flourished during this workshop, as well as supporting his friends with their construction throughout.
Our home cooking lessons have been geared towards making Granola Bars and Lemon Cupcakes to sell in our café. We were particularly impressed with Freddie and Valerie, who demonstrated that they are able to work with increasing independence when following visual recipes. Our menu has been updated to include porridge, following our market research and tasting sessions, which we conducted at the beginning of the term. We were also very proud of everyone for adopting new roles which have been allocated in the café and everyone stepped up to learn these roles and help the café to run beautifully.
This half-term topic is ‘Amazing Animals’, where we will explore the wonderful world of animals, which will be closely linked to our much-anticipated educational visit to Marwell Zoo, towards the end of the term.
As part of our accreditation work, we will begin focusing on our next set of units including; Basic Cooking Techniques, Looking After Yourself and Your Home, and Self-Advocacy.

What a lovely half term we had. Our overarching topic was ‘Wonderful Weather’ and used this as a stimulus for our learning across all of the different subjects. In English we looked at imagery linked to weather and looked at how to expand our creative sentences using such techniques as similes, metaphors, powerful verbs and synonyms.
“I’ve been writing interesting sentences in English” - Curtis
The pupils came up with some wonderfully creative sentences using these techniques. In Maths we looked at temperatures and how to read thermometers accurately. We used this information to interpret exam style questions, such as ‘how many more?’ or ‘how much warmer?’ We have also looked at the four operations and how these can be used in everyday life. STEAM lessons linked well to our weather topic as pupils built and designed structures to withstand extreme winds. This was replicated on a model scale using a powerful hair dryer. We were also incredibly proud of how well they worked as a team in these lessons.
“I really loved the lesson. It was so cool. We got to build houses and tried to blow them over, using a hair dryer.” - Tia
Although it was cold and sometimes wet last half term, pupils wrapped up warm and very much enjoyed their experiences at Forest School. We looked at how the weather in the different seasons affect nature and pupils enjoyed cloud spotting and started to learn the names of the cloud types. Pupils have learnt that sometimes birds struggle to find food in winter, so made birdfeeders using natural ingredients such as; pinecones, fats and seeds. Another firm favourite was whittling as some pupils had fun learning how to whittle, and our class absolutely love hot chocolate and s’mores around a fire.
“Forest school has been fun.” - Edward
In our wider learning lessons, we have looked at improving pupils’ skills and understanding within the topic. In cooking pupils have been improving or perfecting their chopping skills.
“I have been practising my chopping skills.” - Harry
Pupils have used these skills to prepare a variety of soups and chop fruits and veg for other dishes. We have definitely seen an improvement in their independence. Pupils have also shown a much-improved understanding of the Islamic faith, having learned about the 5 pillars. They have shown amazing understanding of their peers who will be observing Ramadan.
“We have been learning about how Muslim people don’t eat or drink during Ramadan.” - Lola
We were also incredibly lucky to participate in a Lego robotics workshop. This was a great opportunity for pupils to follow instructions on how to program their Lego robots and they were able to get creative by making their robots unique. They paired up and worked together so well, each helping one another and sharing their visions in a sensible way. We had some very creative looking robots. Pupils then got to code the robots, using an iPad, so that they could follow a path using their knowledge of measures and angles. They used excellent problem-solving skills as they worked together to programme the route correcting their mistakes using trial and error.
“It was so fun. I built an interesting creature” - Charlie
We are so proud of the class and how well they look out for one another.
We look forward to our new topic this half term which is ‘Amazing Animals’.

Magna Seals
Seals had a great half term and really enjoyed learning about the weather in a wide range of subjects.
In English the class wrote amazing poems about a storm. Their use of alliteration, similes, adjectives and personification really helped them make their poems come to life. We also wrote exclamational texts about the water cycle.
During STEAM lessons we carried out a number of experiments to help us understand weather and how it is caused. These have included creating a rain cloud, a tornado in a jar, and a water cycle in a bag. These linked well to the work we were doing in My World about the science behind weather. The pupils amazed us by beginning to use the correct vocabulary to explain the processes.
In Maths we looked at negative numbers and when they are used. We were able to link this to work on temperature and being able to read a thermometer. We also secured our understanding on addition and subtraction. Pupils were also challenged by giving them tasks which require problem solving.
Seals had some great opportunities last half term. We took part in a Robotic Workshop, in which they created robots and learnt how to program them to change the LED display and move around a given route. We also started our block of swimming lessons. It has been great to see the pupils develop confidence in the water and work on their skills.
Seals are very excited about this half term’s topic all about ‘Amazing Animals.’
Seals Team
We have had a fantastic start to the year in Manta Class!
Our topic last half term was ‘Wonderful Weather’, with a special focus on extreme weather. The students explored how and why flooding happens, where they happen and how to prevent them.
In English, we started reading our new book, set in the Philippines, which led us to learn more about the region and the tropical climate and monsoon season. This tied in with our My World lessons, where we investigated different types of floods, their impact around the world, and how monsoon weather affects countries in around the Equator and particularly in the Indian Ocean. We used map reading skills to locate different countries around the world.
Our Creative Arts lessons have been particularly exciting. We studied artwork from different artists and used painting techniques to recreate movement, focusing on how to show the movement of water. We also experimented with lino printing, carefully carving out designs and creating our own prints combining different colours and techniques.
We particularly enjoyed a Robotics Workshop. The students worked in pairs to program robots, learning how to give commands to follow a map. They then took on a challenge to program the robots to clear blocks from a space. Pupils were really excited by their coding skills and how well they programmed their robots to do what they wanted.
In Cooking, we continued developing our skills by making a variety of delicious recipes, including spicy pasta, apple crumble, and different types of soup. Lots of teamwork was involved, and it was wonderful to see the pupils so engaged in the process.
In STEAM, we looked at the characteristics of storm proof buildings and pupils used different materials and techniques to create their own structures. We then used powerful hairdryers to act as a raging storm to see if they withstood the winds. Pupils then reflected on their designs and evaluated them. It was fantastic to see such excellent communication, teamwork and problem solving!
In RE, we have learnt about Islam and the 5 Pillars by which, Muslims live. The pupils have been very engaged and enjoyed learning about the traditions and values of Muslims.
In PSHE we have continued with our accreditation for Healthy Living, and it has been fantastic to watch the pupils engage in a mature way when learning about sex education, contraception, and sexual health.
This half term we will be diving into our new topic, ‘Amazing Animals’, which promises to be just as exciting!

We have had a fantastic start to the year in Orca Class! Our topic last half term was ‘Wonderful Weather’, with a special focus on extreme weather. The students explored how and why flooding happens, making links across subjects to deepen their understanding.
In English, we started reading our new book, set in the Philippines, which led us to learn more about the country and its climate. This tied in beautifully with our My World lessons, where we investigated different types of floods, their impact around the world, and how monsoon weather affects the Philippines.
Our Creative Arts lessons have been particularly exciting. We studied Japanese artwork and used painting techniques to recreate waves, focusing on how to show the movement of water. We also experimented with lino printing, carefully carving out designs and creating our own water-inspired prints.
In Music, the students enjoyed composing a storm soundscape using different instruments, exploring how sound can represent the power of nature.
Forest School was a big highlight! We learned to use tools safely to make a fire and attempted to make popcorn over the flames. Our first try didn’t quite go to plan, but the students had a great time experimenting and problem-solving. By the end of the half term, they had mastered the technique, successfully making (and enjoying!) a much tastier batch of popcorn.
One of the standout moments last half term was our Robotics Workshop. The students worked in pairs to program robots, learning how to give commands to follow a map. They then took on a challenge to program the robots to clear blocks from a space, similar to how robotic vacuum cleaners’ work. It was brilliant to see them working together, problem-solving, and celebrating their successes. Some students were so inspired that they now want to explore more about robotics and computing!
In Cooking, we continued developing our skills by making a variety of delicious recipes, including spicy pasta, apple crumble, and different types of soup.
I have been incredibly pleased with the maturity, teamwork, and enthusiasm shown by all students. They have taken on challenges with a fantastic attitude, and it has been wonderful to see them so engaged in their learning.
This half term, we will be diving into our new topic, ‘Amazing Animals’, which promises to be just as exciting!
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break.
Lydia Smyth
Orca Class Teacher

Post 16
Last half term flew by so quickly - hopefully it won’t be long before the weather turns warmer!
Post 16 had a positive start with some of our students passing their Functional Skills exams. What an amazing achievement! And well done to all who sat their exams.
Our topic for last half term was ‘Wonderful Weather’ where the students looked at the difference between weather and climate. They looked at how to measure the weather by looking at temperature, precipitation, wind speed & direction, cloud cover and visibility, air pressure and humidity, they even made their own individual colourful wind sock! As you can imagine we had some very detailed and imaginative ones!
In English, creative writing was the main focus. The students described scenes using creative language, and also concentrated on developing their sentence structuring, paragraphs and punctuation. We looked at autobiographies in reading, the students went to the library, and chose a book of their choice, and learnt about other people's lives.
In Maths we looked at the 4 operations - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. The students were extremely focused, even though some found it very challenging, they came out ‘the other side’ more confident than at the beginning. They were then set an ultimate times table challenge which they all completed in an allotted time and should be very proud of themselves - they all knew more than they thought they did. Well done!
The students continue to develop their stamina and fitness levels at the gym. The progress and determination they have is outstanding.
In gardening we planted bulbs and seeds and discovered all different types of plants, herbs and weeds. Some of the names were really hard to say! I think we all have had trouble pronouncing some of them!
In Enterprise we worked towards running our own Valentine’s themed bake sale. We made Valentine’s themed cupcakes, sweet cones, cards and key rings to sell to the students of Winchelsea School. It was very successful! This also helped us to develop our finance skills through analysing our costs and profits.
In Animal Care the second group started to look at how to restrain a small animal, and we had a visit from Daisy the bunny. They are showing some good knowledge of animal care.
In Textiles the second group continued to learn how to create templates, mark out and cut fabric. We were able to create our own bunting designs and used a sewing machine. The students really enjoyed developing new skills.
This half term our topic is ‘Amazing Animals’ - where we have planned a few days out.
Also, just a quick reminder there is a café at Bourne Hub on a Tuesday and Friday morning that the students run. We would love to see you!
Some of our student comments:
“I liked cooking spaghetti bolognaise from scratch in cooking. It was very good.” LeD
“I did addition and subtraction using number lines and I remembered how to do it. I have loved working in the café.” LR
“I have enjoyed making bunting, I designed it myself and sewed it on the sewing machine. IC-B
“I have enjoyed making my own lunch.” SC
“I liked working in the café and serving the customers.” TF
“I went to a robotic workshop and learnt how to programme.” GH
“I have enjoyed visiting B&Q for our gardening project.” BG

I See the Sea….
We have been busy looking at the sea and how it can be so different; choppy, calm, stormy and flat. We have had a great time making lighthouse collages and working on smaller, more delicate collages using mixed media. Take a look at our lighthouses!

KS4 printing
KS4 have been learning how to lino print. This is a tricky skill to master! And they have approached it in a mature way, producing great pictures!

Can YOU help?
We are collecting THINK cardboard (e.g., amazon envelopes/cereal boxes) and would be grateful if you could send some in with your child if you have any spare.
Also… Do you have a few hours free to lend a hand at our needlework club? On a Wednesday 1.45-3pm? We are looking for someone to help with sewing machine skills. Please call the office if you can spare some time!
As usual, the half term flew by and I remain continuously impressed with the ‘have a go’ attitude shown by all the young people at our school. They are an inspiration!
Miss Tash
It was a great half term in music.
Our KS4 Arts Award group explored how technology can be used to create rhythms and to record voices. They used digital technology and a range of percussion instruments to create sounds associated with the weather.
In our Enquirers music lessons, we looked at how the weather makes us feel and how the weather sounds. We listened to a range of music associated with the weather and commented on our musical likes and dislikes.
Two of our Discoverers classes had an amazing time working with Sam from SoundStorm on creating a musical performance about things that make us happy. They wrote their own lyrics and decided on a style of music and the tempo. They got to perform with a real band!
Our Explorers had a great time exploring sensory musical equipment and creating beautiful soundscapes linked to our theme of ‘Wonderful Weather’. Two of the classes enjoyed working with Mike from SoundStorm, to explore technical equipment linked with music, including a microphone that turned them into trombones and robots!

Forest School
The ‘Wonderful Weather’ last half term gave us a fantastic variety of magical sights including muddy puddles to splash in, glistening frost on the fallen leaves, glorious golden sunshine beaming through the trees and slabs of ice in the mud kitchen. We took great joy in smashing and crunching around, and of course it was the perfect ingredient for those delicious imaginary puddings and pies!
In keeping with our theme ‘Wonderful Weather’, we looked at how the weather affects nature. Did you know that pinecones close tight when it's cold to protect their seeds hidden inside, then open wide when the weather heats up? We collected some fallen pinecones from the field, warmed them up inside so they would open, then made them into fantastic little bird feeders to give our feathered friends a little help finding food in the cold weather.
We look forward to telling you more next time.....

There has been lots of fun in the PE department!
Our Discoverers pupils practiced throwing towards a target and their catching skills. They showed great accuracy doing this and particularly enjoyed the variation of games including Bounce Ball, Target Ball and Monster Ball.

“I liked monster ball. I was good at it and it was fun!” - Alfie-Lee
We were also very fortunate to have Dorset Cricket board coaches delivering table cricket sessions for our satellite provisions at Canford Heath Juniors and Canford Magna schools. The students developed great new skills in batting, bowling, fielding, and enjoyed playing the games!

“I like being the batter and scoring lots of points!” -Bradley
Our pupils from Sea Lions and Sea Turtles had an intra-competition at Canford Heath Junior School with and against pupils from CHJS. Team 7, which comprised entirely of Winchelsea pupils, won! A huge well done to them and congratulations to all involved on a great event.

“We got the most points. It was team 7!” - Aryan

“It was nice - I took part and it was fun.” - Dean
Our KS4 accreditation groups continue to work hard. We focussed on our fitness, different muscles and how to work them. Owen said about our sessions, "It is quite challenging, but I persevere because I am building up my resilience."

“I enjoy doing PE but find
some of the fitness challenging,”- Archie

Thomas added, "I enjoy PE and enjoy
challenging myself to try everything."
Winchelsea Wellness
“The experience I have had is that once you start talking about [experiencing a mental health struggle], you realize that actually you’re part of quite a big club.” - Prince Harry
Mindfulness is a big part of our learning at Winchelsea, and I will be sharing with you some things that we can do for our children and ourselves in newsletters going forward.
You can access online resources to help with your wellbeing such as the NHS Steps to Mental Wellbeing:
Some activities we like to do with our pupils include the ‘5-4-3-2-1’ method. It can be in any order you like but we ask the pupils to think of;
- 5 things they can see
- 4 things they can hear
- 3 things they can touch
- 2 things they can smell
- 1 thing they can taste
The idea is that by doing this for a few minutes we use our 5 senses to ground us in the present moment.
Have a go at home.
Mental Health Webinar

Online Safety
The National College
We are delighted to let you know that Winchelsea School has become a member of The National College - a multi-award-winning online training provider for staff and parents.
What does this mean for you?
As part of our membership, The National College provides dedicated training and resources for parents and carers - particularly, around online safety and keeping children safe online.
Online safety advice on any topic
Of course, staff will continue to teach children about the risks online. But with the internet so readily accessible, the most effective approach to online safety needs everyone involved, including parents and carers.
That is why you now have access to hundreds of courses, explainer videos and online safety guides to support your awareness of the online world. Topics range from understanding apps like TikTok and Instagram to recognising the signs of online harm and what you can do to help.
Sign up is easy!
Just follow https://nationalcollege.com/enrol/winchelsea-school and complete your details. Once you are set up, you will be able to choose ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type and get instant access to all training and resources.
Download the app for free
Another fantastic benefit of The National College is the National Online Safety app, which you can download for free. It gives you access to all their Parent/Carer resources on the go, whenever you want.
You can download the National Online Safety app using the iOS App Store or Google Play.
The National College has a brilliant support team if you have any questions. Their help centre provides a comprehensive bank of answers to most FAQs, but if you are unable to find the answer you are looking for, you can always get in contact with them.
I hope you will sign up and make the most of their resources.