Anti-Bullying Policy


Anti-Bullying Policy 



Review Date 


 Review Cycle 


 Review Due 


 Author / Owner 

Adam Bradford 

Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners 




Statement of Intent 


We believe that all children have the right to be heard and communicate about their experiences and feelings. We value all children and respect how they feel.  


At Winchelsea, we aim to prevent bullying.  It is therefore important we create a trusting culture in which it is easy for children to confide in adults. We are proud that in September 2018 we were awarded the Anti-Bullying Alliance ‘All Together Gold Award’ after completing a yearlong review of our policy, procedures and surveying the children.  


We believe that the child displaying the bullying behaviour may need as much help as the victim and we endeavor to help both parties, with the help and support of Parents/Carers.  A child who is bullying needs to understand the affects their behaviour has on others and be supported to learn different ways of behaving. 


At Winchelsea we believe everyone is important. We want Winchelsea to be a place where everyone feels welcome, has a voice, is safe, is able to achieve and have fun. We are committed to providing a caring, relaxed and safe environment, in which all our children are able to learn, develop and progress to their full potential. Any behaviour which is bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  If bullying does occur, children need to know that it will be dealt with properly and efficiently.   


At Winchelsea we promote the use of positive and effective intervention strategies with children. All staff and children are expected to treat each other with respect and to follow the school values, to be good role models to each other both in the school community, the wider community and online. 


We have written this policy in line with the advice and guidance for schools in reference to The Equality Act 2010, we aim to protect individuals from unfair treatment and promote a fair and more equal society. It shows our commitment to prevent and respond effectively to the bullying of protected and vulnerable groups of children including disabled/children with SEND, those who are perceived as LGBT, and others from minority groups which may include victimization due to their race and religion.  

What is Bullying? 


The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online. 

There are four key elements to this definition, that bullying is: 

  • Hurtful; 
  • Repeated; 
  • Intentional; 
  • Power imbalance.  

We teach children that:  

Bullying happens over and over again.  It is hurting someone on purpose, it is not an accident.  Bullying is unfair.  

Bullying behaviour can be: 

  • Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, pinching etc; 
  • Verbal - name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, belittling; 
  • Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures, ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion; 
  • Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, exposure to inappropriate films etc; 
  • Online /Cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending inappropriate text messages, social exclusion; 
  • Indirect - can include the exploitation of individuals; 
  • Racial, Religious/Cultural – racial, religious or cultural taunts, graffiti or gestures; 
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability – negative or abusive comments to anyone who appears to be ‘different’ mentally or physically; 
  • Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying is bullying directed at someone who is or is perceived to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT). 

Some forms of bullying are attacks not only on the individual, but also on the group to which they belong.  

Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying is behaviour which results in pain, distress, anxiety or fear to the victim, it can affect a person’s mental well-being. 

Signs and Behaviours 

A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied.  Adults should be aware of these possible signs and they should explore further if a child: 

  • Feels unwell in the mornings; 
  • Says they cry him/herself to sleep at night and or has nightmares; 
  • Is unwilling to go to school; 
  • Reluctant to make the journey to school – is frightened of walking to and from school, doesn’t want to go on the school bus, begs to be driven to school; 
  • Changes in his/her usual routine; 
  • Displays unhappiness; 
  • Is anxious; 
  • Has unexplained behavioural changes eg. Moody, bad tempered, aggressive or withdrawn, anxious, lacking in confidence; 
  • Starts stammering; 
  • Changes learning patterns, lacks concentration; 
  • Comes home with clothes torn or possessions damaged; 
  • Has possessions or money going ‘missing’; 
  • Has unexplained cuts or bruises; 
  • Is bullying other children or siblings; 
  • Stops eating; 
  • Is frightened to say what’s wrong; 
  • Is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone; 
  • Is nervous and jumpy when an online or telephone message is received; 
  • Gives improbable excuses for any of the above. 

 These signs and behaviours are not exhaustive list and everyone should be look for changes specific to the child.  

 Preventative strategies 

As stated in our school Behaviour Policy we recognize that our children may find it more challenging to learn appropriate behaviour, we therefore incorporate the teaching of such behaviour into the school day using EFL targets and Curriculum Ladders.    

We also: 

  • Ensure all staff are given access to Anti-Bullying policy and procedures by the Anti-Bullying Champion / Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners; 
  • Pupil facing staff will complete Anti-Bullying training;  
  • Give children opportunities to express their viewpoints using a wide range of strategies. This includes in lessons and in 1:1 sessions conversations with trusted adults; 
  • Have regular School Council meetings; 
  • Address Anti-Bullying strategies as part of the curriculum in PSHE and RSE lessons; 
  • Adopt Anti-Bullying strategies, including well-structured days including structured and well-staffed playtimes and lunch times; 
  • Make it clear what the consequences of bullying are and what sanctions may be; 
  • Have trained some of our children through The Diana Award to be Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, they attend events and feedback to the School Council relevant information. 

Recording of Bullying Incidents 

Staff will use IRIS, the school’s behaviour recording system and then this will be followed up by the Pupil Participation Lead or Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Leaners as necessary.   

This means we are able to check for prior incidents and reoccurrences with the same pupils and involve Parents / Carers as appropriate.  

The Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Leaners is also the Anti-Bullying lead will feed back data collected on a regular basis to the Senior Leadership Team and Governors. 

Bullying data will be passed to the Local Authority as requested.   

Actions Following Incidents 


  • The child’s Parent/ Carer will be informed and involved; 
  • The class teams will monitor and support the situation, working closely with the Pupil Participation Team. The child may be invited to attend a supportive meeting with their Parent /Carer; 
  • External referrals for support may be made; 
  • Restorative justice strategies may be employed to try and resolve the issue, this may include some group work with the perpetrator if deemed beneficial and appropriate; 
  • In all cases we will try to empower the victim to seek help and feel confident and safe in resolving the issues.  


All incidents will be investigated fully by a member of the Pupil Participation Team; 

  • There will be a focus on education for the perpetrator to support them to understand the impact of their actions and possible consequences, including where appropriate consequences should they display similar behaviour as an adult;  
  • The class teams will monitor and support the situation, working closely with the Pupil Participation Team; 
  • Parent/Carer will be informed; 
  • Parent/Carer may be asked to attend a strategy meeting to try and resolve issues and establish the root cause of bullying behaviour; 
  • Children may be internally or externally excluded depending on the severity of the bullying. This is at the discretion of the Head teacher; 
  • Children may be kept in at break and lunchtimes; 
  • Children may lose reward time or other privileges; 
  • Further input in Emotional Literacy from Pupil Participation Lead (ELSA trained) or other member of the Pupil Participation Team either on a 1:1 or small group basis 
  • External referrals for support may be made if required. 

Responses to bullying will include SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bonded) outcomes.  


Everyone within school is expected to:  

  • Act in a respectful and supportive way towards one another; 
  • Adhere to and to promote the objectives of this policy.  

Individual staff: 

  • To be aware of pupils who seem unhappy; 
  • To listen to and to believe children who say they have been bullied; 
  • To record concerns on the school’s systems - CPOMS and IRIS; 
  • To liaise closely with Pupil Participation Assistant and the Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners; 
  • To act as positive role models in terms of communication, showing respect, listening and problem solving; 
  • To teach children skills of negotiation, conflict resolution, restorative justice, assertion and listening; 
  • To give support to children who use bullying; teach and praise alternative ways of behaviour in line with the School Values, the Winchelsea Zones and individual Toolkits. 


  • To talk to a trusted adult about any incident which makes them unhappy or which they perceive to make another child unhappy; 
  • To treat everyone with care and respect; 
  • Support each other and to seek help to ensure that everyone feels safe and happy and nobody feels excluded or afraid in school.  
  • If a pupil feels they would prefer to initiate a conversation about bullying they can contact the Pupil Participation Team on the following email [email protected]  

Parent/Carer can help by: 

  • Supporting our Anti-Bullying policy and procedures; 
  • Encouraging their child to be positive members of the school community;  
  • Discussing with their child’s teacher any concerns about their child, this includes behaviours could that indicate they are being bullied; 
  • Helping to establish an Anti-Bullying culture outside of school;  
  • To inform school if they suspect bullying is taking place; 
  • To cooperate with the school fully in investigating allegations of bullying; 
  • To support any strategies the school uses to help effect more appropriate and safe behaviour; 
  • To support any sanctions the school decides as a result of investigations. 

Bullying Outside of School  

Schools are not directly responsible for bullying that occurs off the premises but we know that bullying can occur outside the school gates and on journeys to and from school. The bullying may be perpetrated by children from our own school, by children from other schools or by people who are not at school at all.  

Where a child or Parent/Carer informs us of bullying off the school premises we will:  

  • Talk to children about how to avoid or handle bullying outside of school;  
  • Talk to the Head teacher of any other school whose children are bullying; 
  • Talk to the Police where this is deemed necessary.  

The DfE says that, “exceptionally failure to take disciplinary steps to combat harmful behaviour outside the school might breach the school’s common duty of care.” Legal Services advise that schools can take disciplinary action against children for incidents that occur outside of school.  

Online bullying and the Law 

There is no legal definition of online bullying within UK law. However, there are a number of existing laws that can be applied to cases of online bullying and online harassment. 

This includes: 

Childnet provide guidance for schools about understanding, preventing and responding to cyberbullying. 

Cyberbullying Guidance | Childnet 

Concerns and Complaints 

We recognise that there may be times when a Parent/Carer feels that we have not dealt well with an incident of bullying and we would ask that this be brought to the Head teacher’s notice. If the Head teacher cannot resolve these concerns informally, Parents/Carers can raise their concerns more formally through the school’s Complaints Procedure.  

We would also be pleased to receive Compliments – feedback from Parents/Carers when things have gone well.  

Evaluating Our Policy  

We will evaluate our Anti-Bullying policy using the following measures - 

  • The numbers of incidents that are reported to staff over a given period; 
  • Children’s perceptions of bullying in school through structured discussions in class time and surveys;  
  • The number of days of absence which are thought to arise as a consequence of bullying; 
  • We will investigate patterns of absence to ensure that children are not taking unnecessary days off school due to fear of being bullied; 
  • The number of complaints and compliments that we receive from Parents/Carers;  
  • From the comments made by visitors and other people connected with the school.  

Useful Websites for Further Reading and Advice  

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying. 

Anti-Bullying Alliance 

The Diana Awards mission is to foster, develop and inspire positive change in the lives of young people. They believe that young people have the power to change the world. 

The Diana Award ( 

The Equality Act 2010 – Advice for schools - The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. 

It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone. 

Equality_Act_Advice_Final.pdf (