Curriculum Intent

Explorers: Oceans

Pupils begin their learning journey following the EYFS curriculum in Reception.  The focus is on knowing the child and their background to support them developing the three prime areas - Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal and Social Development whilst developing the specific areas through the thematic curriculum.  This is a developmental curriculum, which not only focuses on pupils achieving their early year’s goals but preparing them for the curriculum moving forwards. A key aim of this curriculum journey is that a strong relationship develops between adults and pupils, pupils become curious, independent, resilient, and able to take risks and believe in themselves.


Seekers: Starfish

We recognize that our pupils are not ready to make the step into formal learning at this point.  In the ‘Seekers’ pupils continue to build on their readiness for learning and early learning skills through an integrated learning approach with a focus on communication and play.  This continues the work to build relationships, be curious, independent and resilient, take risks, have self-worth, and develop a genuine and lasting love of learning.  During this year, we are preparing pupils to either make their next steps into the Early Enquirers Pathway (subject specific learning) or continue along the Discoverer’s route, learning through a life skills approach.  


Early Discoverers: Octopus and Oysters

At the beginning of the Discoverers pathway we recognise that many of our pupils have a range of complex learning difficulties and disabilities; and it is the combination of two or more of these difficulties that the curriculum is designed to meet through a personalised learning approach.  This is primarily implemented through meaningful play and communication strategies; to encompass engagement and the development of thinking skills, creative learning and movement.  It is designed to be developmentally appropriate.


Discoverers: Coral, Dolphins and Otters

This pathway development is a more functional life skills approach to learning with a key focus on the development of communication skills.  In these classes, we recognise that some pupils require a greater academic challenge.  We aim for pupils to build on their early learning skills as they become literate communicators, mathematical thinkers and develop their ability to self-regulate.  Pupils take part in activities that are engaging, meaningful to them and provide relevant and challenging goals. 


Discoverers KS 4: Puffins and Dolphins (some pupils)

Pupils in these classes at KS 4 age continue to have the same emphasis as detailed above but this work becomes accredited through an ASDAN qualification that compliments the learning and skill development that needs to take place and supports their next steps. Pupils also access Careers education in a way that is meaningful to them and involves the parents.


Early Enquirers: Penguins

This is the beginning of subject specific learning. Through the thematic curriculum, pupils are developing their skills across a broad curriculum with a focus on phonics, reading, foundation motor skills and key concepts in Math. Pupils are given extended time in PSHE to develop their early life and social skills, through community visits.


Enquirers: Sea Turtles, Sea Lions, Lobsters, Seahorses, Manatees and Seals

Progressing from the Early Enquirers, these classes are working to show greater depth of learning in subject specific learning with plenty of opportunities for practical and life relevant learning.  There continues to be a strong emphasis on PSHE and pupils at this stage begin their Careers program.


Enquirers KS 4: Orca and Manta

Pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that fulfils statutory obligations.  Accreditation enables our pupils to gain meaningful qualifications across the curriculum in areas where they have mastered skills, thus preparing them for their next steps in further education and employment.  The careers programme supports and prepares our pupils to understand and take their next steps with confidence, this includes; a comprehensive careers programme, transitions, college visits, careers interviews and work experience.
